Seizing the day at Snowdon!
In mid- May, we made a trip to Snowdonia summit, the highest peak in the Wales. We were accompanied by my mother-in-law and our new neighbors cum friends. I always wanted to do the sunrise hike up to the summit but the other members were not so keen and didn’t feel fit enough for this activity. So we decided to take the steam train that takes us to 3/4th of the summit.
On that particular day, the weather was amazing. It was cloudy, breezy and some light showers and fog. We boarded the train and the conductor gave us instructions to ensure we don’t obstruct his communication with the driver by standing. As the train went uphill, I was mesmerized by the beauty of the place. At certain places, the trekking pathways were clearly visible and I could see a bunch of groups making their headway to the summit. Seeing that, I wished I was on that path too. But I brushed away that thought to focus on the train journey which was not bad either. The view of the landscape at 3/4th of the summit was absolutely breath-taking. We were in the middle of the clouds. As I was lost in the admiring the beauty, suddenly, my partner asked me “How about we trek downhill?” This question caught me completely off-guard as we have made much deliberations on this in the past — taking a train vs doing a trek. My heart was yelling inside say ‘yes’ but my mind was skeptical because of the weather and slippery surfaces. I listened to my mind and responded negative stating that we’ll come back again to do the trek. “Really? We may come or may not come back, who knows? And even if we come back, shall we get the same weather again? It’s perfect set-up right now. Why not use this opportunity?”, he replied.
My eyes twinkled listening him say this. That moment he knew he had me on his plan. We told our mother and friends about change in plan. There was a bit of concern but we managed to convince them that we both won’t take much time to get down. And off we started our descend from summit on foot. I am glad we made that decision. The thrill to enjoy the captivating beauty and vastness of the landscape on foot can’t be compared. At one point in time, I found myself pretty much running due to the momentum over big stones and rocks than treading carefully. We met fellow trekkers, exchanged stares with the sheep and made our way to the train station and got reunited with our family and friends. But those 90 minutes of trek are forever imprinted in my mind.
Carpe Diem — make it about yourself
Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard said, “The highest and most beautiful things in life are not to be heard about, nor read about, nor seen but, if one will, are to be lived.”
As I reflect on that day, I feel grateful to have traded train journey with our little adventure. Sometimes, we should trust our gut feeling, listen to our heart and seize the opportunity at hand. This is what Carpe Diem is all about. It seems life came full circle that day — as 7 years back, I organised a TEDx event in my college which had its theme as ‘Carpe Diem’. And on that day, I truly valued the opportunity at hand without postponing it.
With experience I have learnt it — If there are things that you want to do and you have an excellent opportunity to pursue it now, then go for it, with full awareness of the worth of present moment. There will less of dullness and negativity in life when you enjoy the life as it comes. It makes you open to possibilities and opportunities. It makes you realize that the decision to make your life better is in your hands. And it is decision you choose to make every single day.
So, as you take time reflect on your day — think what’s truly important to you? Are you mindful and not overlooking the opportunities that make you feel energized and happy? Reflect on what you should stop doing and start doing more? Make it your daily mantra and start seizing the opportunities that come your way.