Looking to give Power of Manifestation a try? Here’s how you can do it.
There is a lot of buzz around power of manifestation lately on social media. Though this practice is not new. Lot of eminent personalities such as Oprah, Deepak Chopra, Sadhguru, Jay Shetty have talked about this practice time and again. And more and more scholarly people are talking about it now.
So what is meant by manifestation? As per Oxford dictionary, it means manifestation (of something) an event, action, or thing that is a sign that something exists or is happening.
In other words, it is something tangible we bring to life (by our thoughts and actions)
I can across the power of manifestation or in simple terms ‘laws of attraction’ when I first read the book called ‘The Secret’ by Rhonde Byrne. Intrigued by this concept, I started practicing but failed to achieve results for many years. Finally, in 2014, when I was chosen to organize and curate TEDx event at my college, I again put this practice in use to ensure the grand success of the event. As it turned out, it became one of the most celebrated event of the college that year. I remember the tears wouldn’t stop rolling down my cheeks as we celebrated the success of the event — it was such an overwhelming experience.
5 steps I followed to Manifest the Success of the Event
As I reflect back on that journey and how the things fell in place over a duration of 6 months — I can say that the power of manifestation played a huge role. Here’s what I did to ensure that it worked for me.
- Be clear of the goal: Being the organizer, having a clear and precise goal in my mind was essential. Having clear picture of what my intentions are, what I want to achieve in this event really helped me to keep myself on course during event planning and didn’t let my imagination go hay wire during team discussions.
- Repeat the goal more than once: Post my meditation every morning, I would repeat the same lines 5–10 times “TEDx event will be successful. Everything will happen as planned. The audience will love it.” Not just in the morning, I ensured that the same message is passed on to my team in every meeting.
- Visualize it when thinking about it: As I sat meditating, I would often visualize how the event will happen — speakers standing in the center of the stage with the spot light on them, giving powerful talks, audience giving standing ovation in response, people doing networking in breakout areas during tea breaks, the team being applauded on putting a fantastic event. Yes, I imagined it all and would indulge into the feeling of triumph. And trust me, it happened just like that — may be more than I had imagined.
- Stay positive: As I sit back and reflect, I can vouch the staying positive throughout the course of event preparation to its actualization had a key impact. Like any other event, there were challenges — getting curation rights from TEDx, getting right speakers and sponsors on board, doing marketing and selling tickets, getting internal budget approval on time etc. Things did go upside down at times even on the event day, but we stayed positive and hopeful that everything in the end will turn out to be good. There’s always a solution to a problem and we were hell bent to find it.
- Take action to manifest it: No wonder, thoughts without actions is useless. There are no results without any action. I had a team of 11 core members to cover different aspects of event organisation. Each team came up with a plan on how they want to achieve their goal — for example, the sponsorship team would reach out to different sponsors in the evening post classes, or make calls in the morning or break time. Taking actions makes you reach towards your goals.
These are my broad learnings from the reflections of the past. I have used this technique to find the right job, excel at it and even to find a suitable partner and in-laws for me!
But I must, there are times when I fail to use this effectively even now. And as I contemplate, often I feel the reason for delayed results or getting what I intend to achieve is lack of trust in the process and in myself. Limited by our own beliefs and our mindsets send mixed messages to the universe. Hence, my last advice would be — let go of that resistance in your mind!